Dicky tikka

We see a lot of stories like this revealing how disconnected death is from life. It's why the bereaved feel so disconnected from the living. If there is one truly superfluous ingredient of grief it has to be social embarrassment.
As to the good Mr Kumar (story above), I cannot resist the observation that a connecting corridor between his restaurant and the undertaker's might actually serve everyone's best interests. A cheap joke, I agree with you, but none the less giggly for that.
Masterly headline Charles,real prizewinner.
Mr Kumar could go for a themed approach in his restaurant - it could bring people flocking in.
I agree entirely that there should be nothing for Mr K to worry about, and your point about the superfluity of social embarrassment about death is the real point.
We've got the reverse situation near me, that is, the business next door impinging unhelpfully on a death-related establishment- a crem right next to a busy, noisy recycling depot which adds nothing to any endeavours by the Council(and they are few indeed) to make an attractive and contemplative environment in which to listen to Time To Say Goodbye yet again. It's enough to give you Wind beneath Your Wings...
Mr Kumar has a point, as far as it goes; people will be put off their Chicken Karma while they're being reminded where it will all end.
He needs a cheery sign above his door:
"Worry Spoils Curry."
Now, you can call me an old cynic (although I'd rather be called a young one), but could this possibly be a bit of free advertising and publicity for the restaurant?
One of my favourite curry houses (well, Nepalese, and very tasty) is next door to a funeral director, and it in no way appeared unusual, bad for business, or odd, to me.
But then again, I'm not trying to promote my restaurant, in a recession.
Are there many curry related deaths? I'd like to see the official stats.
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