Some conflict of interest, surely?

Michael Parkinson
HM Government Dignity Ambassador for old people, and...
...the face behind Sun Life funeral plans, which are...
...Co-operative funeral plans.
Tut tut.
Labels: Co-op, funeral plans
Labels: Co-op, funeral plans
When first-time mothers-to-be leave hospital, they get a goody bag of products, some of which may be useful, in order to promote babycare brands. And funerals are also a branded industry. "They" really have got us covered from c to g, have they not? And - is there no end to human acquisitiveness? How much more money does someone like Mr P want, let alone need? No doubt he donates it to Haiti, NSPCC etc etc. Or maybe he does this advert out of a sense of public service, informing us of a really essential and little-known product such as insurance.Yeah, that'll be it. Silly me.
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